The School

The campus has indigenous cow breeds that are adopted by students and teachers at NGLS. The school community not only takes care of the cows and their calves but also learn how to rear the animal.
Continuous assessments and constructive feedback to the educators and students to understand their instructional level and creating a way forward for their growth is part of the school routine. Learners’ readiness for accelerated learning is what assessments at NGLS aim for and allows educators to differentiate instructions.
NGLS stands for its culture of learning and growth mindset. Professional excellence of the educators helps them drive the expected learning outcomes for self and the students they interact with. The school nurtures an ecosystem where all stakeholders are interdependent and empower each other to uphold the institutional values and ethos.

In this ever-changing world, students must be educated and equipped towards a sustainable future. The curriculum is driven by sustainable goals and students actively engage with the community around them to ensure a sustainable future. 

Dining experiences allow students and staff to relax and bond over a healthy meal prepared by our kitchen staff in consultation with nutritionists. The meals mostly use the produce grown on campus and recycle the waste. Students and educators take turns to help the kitchen staff on a regular basis. 

The residential blocks on campus house four students in each room. Spacious rooms allow space for a separate study table and cupboard for every student. Starting a day with yoga and meditation and ending it with sports post academic classes is what a day looks like at the residence. Weekends allow time to relax and enjoy dialogues and discussions within smaller groups.

NGLS English Brochure
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